About Us

There are many ways to help
With a group or individually
Throw a Party
Invite guests to donate
Sponsor a Drive
Help collect needed goods
We provide a local opportunity to give back. Hundreds of volunteers, from scout groups to senior citizens, carry out the mission to collect and distribute new and gently used goods.
Adult Volunteers
Meet other people who are committed to helping others.
Volunteering is by sign up only, please email volunteer@communitygivingtree.org for the sign up link.
Our Giving Centers have volunteer opportunities to help sort donations and to make bundles of kindness Mondays through Fridays.
Please email Volunteer@CommunityGivingTree.org for more information and to sign up.
CORPORATE and Adult Group Volunteer Sessions
Spend time with your colleagues and friends making a difference.
Day, evening, and Saturday volunteer opportunities are available by appointment at our Boxford and Lawrence facilities. Please email Volunteer@CommunityGivingTree.org for times and information.
Youth Volunteers
VolunTEENs: Community Service for Teenagers
Teenagers and tweens can give back to their community by helping local children in need. VolunTEENs sort and package clothing donations, help with building maintenance, and assist social service representatives. We resolve to introduce, encourage and support the spirit of volunteerism in youth and we welcome them to join us for the following times:
Select Saturdays are available for volunteering at our Boxford facility between 9am-12pm. To volunteer on select Saturdays, please sign up here.
After School Volunteen Program 2024-2025: Click here to sign up for after school volunteer hours for teens here. For more information, click here.
Summer 2024 Volunteen Program: Thank you to all the teens who have helped in past summers. For more information, click here. To sign up for summer hours, click here.
Please remember to sign our Liability and Photo Release Form.
Click here for Location Directions to use when volunteering at our Lawrence Giving Center.
Please email Volunteen@CommunityGivingTree.org for more information.
Seeds of Giving: Community Service for youth groups
Community Service opportunities are available for scouts, sports teams, & other youth groups. Youth actively participate in hands-on activities to learn about families in need.
ON-SITE in Boxford or Lawrence: Click here for more information. To schedule a service opportunity, please email Volunteen@CommunityGivingTree.org
OFF-SITE: DRIVES/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS and NO-SEW BLANKETS are other fun ways to get involved in community service individually or as a group! Click here for more information.
Care and Share Party
Guests are invited to donate a gift for a child in need
Share the joy of your birthday, bat mitzvah, baby shower or special event by hosting a Care and Share Party. In lieu of gifts, ask guests to donate items for kids in need. Care and Share Birthday kids receive a certificate of appreciation and a tour of our facility when they drop off their donations.
Choose a Theme:
Ready to Learn (May-August) school supplies, backpacks
Keeping Warm (September-January) hats, mittens, gloves
Holiday Joy (October-December) pajamas, fleece blankets, clothes
Sleep Tight (February-April) fleece blankets, pajamas, socks, underwear
Baby Shower (Year-round) diapers, wipes, rash cream, onesies
Call 978-769-5056 or email us to sign up.
Sponsor a Drive
Community Giving Tree partners with local businesses, places of worship, schools, day camps, town libraries, and social groups to collect seasonal items throughout the year. Make a difference by sponsoring a drive for a two week period. We will provide you with a collection box, specific list of items needed, and all the promotional information you’ll need to make your drive a success.
Back to School Supplies July & August
Without basic tools, school is a struggle for children in need. With your help, hundreds of local students can head back to school with new backpacks, pens, pencils, folders and notebooks when you sponsor a community drive.
Coats for Families October to December
New England winters are brutal without proper outdoor clothing. By sponsoring a winter coat drive, you can help us distribute jackets, hats, mittens, and a little warmth to families in need.
Holiday Gifts November & December
Many low income families do not have the resources to give gifts to their children during the winter holidays. Plan a holiday gift collection of new clothes, socks and underwear, PJs and more, during this special time of year.
Diapers and Wipes Year-round
Some mothers can’t afford to use more than one diaper per day, leading to poor infant health. You can help by collecting packages of disposable diapers, baby wipes, and diaper rash cream. (Click for a printable Diaper Drive Collection Poster.)
For more information call 978-769-5056 or email us.
Sign up to sponsor a drive
Adult Volunteer Inquiry

Our Mission
Thousands of children are helped each year
We provide low income families with basic necessities such as clothing, diapers, and baby equipment. Your donations help children grow and thrive.
Giving is green
Our earth benefits from keeping gently used baby equipment, toys, and clothing out of the landfill and into the hands of struggling families.
We promote meaningful philanthropy
Community Giving Tree educates student volunteers about local poverty. All volunteers experience the satisfaction of knowing their time will directly help local children.
The community we serve is local
Every year Community Giving Tree distributes basic necessities to more than 17,000 children in northeastern Massachusetts.
Our History
Community Giving Tree began in 2002 when its founders, Leslie Levenson and Betty Obernesser recognized there were abundant resources to share with families living just a short distance from their community of Boxford, Massachusetts. For seven years, Community Giving Tree volunteers collected and distributed gently used baby equipment and clothing from a donated garage.
In 2009, Community Giving Tree transitioned from a grass roots project to a registered non-profit organization. The garage was torn down, and in June 2010 the organization moved into its 2,400 square foot building in Boxford.
Since its founding, Community Giving Tree has grown significantly. Today, Community Giving Tree operates from two sites, one in Boxford and the other in the heart of Lawrence. Every year, over 17,000 children from northeastern Massachusetts are provided with the basic necessities they need to grow and thrive.
Over 17,000 children reached each year

Our Staff
Leslie Levenson
Community Giving Tree began in 2002 when its founders, Leslie Levenson and Betty Obernesser recognized there were abundant resources to share with families living just a short distance from their community of Boxford, Massachusetts.
Board of Directors
Hilary Bugbee
Ann Dooley
joelle elghoul
henrik friis
michael hough
Chris Healy
Anne Lines
Stephen McGee
Stacey Palovich
jessica phillips
Kathryn Raiz
Luz Rodriguez
Bianca Saul
christina wyman
Agency Advisory Council
rosaura ovalles, wic- glcac
blanca duran, glcac- financial empowerment coordinator
channa sath, lowell community health center
carla caraballo, lowell community health center
sophonnary pen, thom child anne sullivan
belkis sanchez, leo, inc.
Zoveyda Morel, Community Day Care- The Community Group
vicky Garcia, Community day care group- the community group
rosa m. perez, Community day care- the community group
hope ma, Eliot healthy families
ana tejada, eliot healthy families
sandra gomez, eliot healthy families
fred braun, community action inc.
“No child should have to wear two sweatshirts in the winter to stay warm or carry their books to school in a grocery bag.”

Agencies Served
Community Giving Tree is proud to work with many agencies and organizations that share our desire to help children and families in northeastern Massachusetts.
- Catholic Charities (Healthy Families)
- Community Action Inc.
- Community Service Agency
- Cornerstones
- Department of Children & Families
- Dinah's House
- Early Intervention
- Emmaus House
- Haverhill Public Schools
- Pregnancy Care Center
- Safe Harbor
- Team Coordinating Agency
- Thom Child
- Veterans North East Outreach
- All Nations Church
- Ann Sullivan Center
- The Caleb Group
- Clarendon Early Education Services, Inc.
- Community Teamwork
- Department of Children & Families
- GRIP: Growing Responsibility and Independence for People (Justice Resource Institute)
- Hope Dove
- Institute for Health and Recovery
- Justice Resource Institute
- Lifelinks
- Lowell Community Health Center
- Network Health
- Thom Child
- Vinfen
- Catholic Charities (Healthy Families)
- Center Board
- Cerebral Palsy Association
- Children and Family Law Program
- Department of Children & Families
- Early Intervention
- Eliot Community Human Services
- Fidelity House
- Gregg Neighborhood House
- Head Start
- Institutes for Health and Recovery
- Lynn Community Health Center
- Lynn Economic Opportunity
- Lynn Public Schools
- Russian Community Association of MA
- Citizens for Adequate Housing
- Community Partnership
- Head Start
- North American Family Institute
- North Shore Community Action Programs
- Northeast Behavioral Health
- Arbour Counseling Services
- Asian Center of Merrimack Valley
- Beyond Soccer
- Child Development and Education
- Coordinated Family-Focused Care
- Community Day Care
- Commonwealth Community Care
- Casa Nueva Vida
- Catholic Charities
- Child Care Circuit
- Christ United Methodist Church
- Communities Together
- Compass for Kids
- Department of Children & Families
- Department of Youth Services
- Essex County CASA
- Family Continuity Program
- Family Resource Center
- Family Services of the Merrimack Valley
- Greater Lawrence Family Health Center
- Greater Lawrence Community Action Council – Head Start (GLCAC)
- Health Quarters
- Iglesia Cristiana Casa De Restauracion
- JRI Children's Friend and Family
- Lawrence Community Works
- Lawrence Council on Aging
- Lawrence Methuen Community Coalition
- Lawrence Public Schools
- Lazarus House
- Legal Justice Access Inc.
- Merrimack Valley Lead Poisoning Prevention
- Merrimack Valley People for Peace
- Ministerial Apostolic Church
- Mentor Net
- Movement City (Lawrence CommunityWorks)
- New Hope
- North American Family Institute
- Northern Essex Community College
- Pentucket Medical Associates
- Phoenix Academy
- Professional Center for Child Development Andover (Serves Lawrence)
- Psychological Center
- SouthBay Community Services
- Supportive Care
- St. Mary’s of the Assumption Pro Life
- St Vincent DePaul
- Vinfen
- YWCA Teen Living Program
- Children’s Friend
- Community Service Agency
- Department of Children & Families
- Head Start
- Salem Juvenile Court
- Salem Public Schools
- Training Resources of America
- Youth Parents Program
- Addison Gilbert Hospital (Gloucester)
- Beverly Children’s Learning Center
- Birth to Three (Ipswich)
- Boxford Food Pantry
- Burlington High School
- Clarendon Family Day Care (Lawrence, Lowell)
- Connecting Young Moms (Beverly Hospital)
- Danvers Public Schools
- DARE Family Services (Newburyport, Danvers)
- Department of Mental Health (Merrimack Valley)
- Easter Seals (Merrimack Valley)
- EMARC (Reading)
- Early Intervention (Pentucket, Cape Ann, Danvers, Salem)
- Family Promise (Beverly)
- Gloucester Housing Authority
- Gloucester Public Schools
- Head Start (Beverly, Seacoast)
- Ipswich Caring
- Key Program (Methuen)
- Keys to Degrees (Beverly)
- Mass. Department of Developmental Services
- Mass. Family Self-Sufficiency (Methuen)
- North Shore ARC
- Northern Essex WIC Program (Beverly)
- Our Neighbor’s Table (Amesbury)
- Pathways for Children (Gloucester)
- Refugee Immigration Ministry (Topsfield)
- Rotary (North Andover)
- Shared Living (Merrimac)
- Solstice Residential Day School (Rowley)
- Solutions for Living (Medford)
- St. Ann’s Home (Methuen)
- Wellspring (Gloucester)
- Youth Villages North Shore
“With generous support from the community we grew from a small garage-based operation to a thriving organization with two locations serving over 17,000 children annually.”

Our Supporters
Thank you to the local businesses and organizations that support
Community Giving Tree with generous financial and in-kind contributions:
Financial Support
Alfresca Italian Restorante, Inc.
Amazon Smile
Artemas W. Stearns Trust
Baupost Group
Bay State Textile Inc
Benjamin Nutter Architects
Bob's Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Brogna Law
Burton's Grill & Bar
Clemenzi Plumbing
Digital Federal Credit Union
Edward S. & Winifred Moseley Foundation
Flowers by Steve
Frank W. & Carl S. Adams Memorial Foundation Fund
George P. Bishop Foundation, Inc.
Georgetown Flatbread
Greater Lawrence Community Fund
Josephine G. Russell Trust
Ladies Charitable Society
Lectric Connection
Middleton Congregational Church
Masconomet Environmental Club
McCarthy Family Foundation
Quaker Hill Foundation, Inc.
Rogers Family Foundation
Second Congregational Church of Boxford, Board of Outreach
Smaha Family Charitable Fund
Sports Medicine North
St. James Episcopal Church
St. Patrick's School
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
State Street Foundation
The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
The Goddard School
The M&T Charitable Foundation
The Mother Connection
The Savings Bank
Today Real Estate
Valerie's Gallery
In-Kind Support
Academy Mortgage
Andover Memorial Hall Library
Benson’s Ice Cream
Boba Inc.
Boxford Police Department
Cafe Sarina
Cardinal Health
Christ Church Parish Day School
Danvers YMCA
Dermatology Associates of Danvers
E & R - The Campus Laundry
First Congregational Church of Georgetown Women’s Guild
Golf Country
Georgetown Insurance
Greater Newburyport Mother’s and Families Club
Hamilton/Wenham Mother’s Club
King’s Dining and Entertainment, Kings Cares
Lynnfield Mother’s Group
Maggie’s Farm
MASCO National Honor Society
Mortgage Network, Inc.
Middleton Congregational Church
Plumb Island Beachcoma
Proctor School Topsfield
Re/Max on the River
Richardson’s Farm, Inc.
Riverwalk Brewery
Roosevelt School in Melrose
Saint James Episcopal Church, Rowley
Saint Michael’s School, North Andover
Second Congregational Church, Boxford
Simplify Compliance
TD Bank
The Tower Foundation
Topsfield House of Pizza
Topsfield Library
West Elementary School, Andover
We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please notify us at info@CommunityGivingTree.org for corrections.